Business Deregulation, Full Return of the Fiscal Libertine, Rampant Greed and the Grim Prospect of Major Depression

♣ Today the US economy runs on a profligate system of fiscal libertinism, a system of profiteering without reserve, responsibility, regulation or consideration for the sad lot of the average American citizen, a system favoring wealth and endorsing a winner-take-all mentality. Wall Streeters and big money in general have us all back on the same cyclical pre-Roosevelt juggernaut, the runaway roller coaster that’s made regular stops at economic disaster throughout history and which in fact induced the infamous crash of 1929.

Oddly enough, knowing this, our government has been lifting prudent regulation of Wall Street and business at large increasingly since the Reagan years, regulation duly imposed both during and after the Great Depression. Today it’s all but totally non-existent. More, the US government does precious little nowadays to curb the nasty trend toward business excess, power mongering and hindrance, even exclusion of lesser players, although each infraction has served in some measure to undermine American freedom while undoing our democratic process. Likewise, our government does precious little in curbing today what’s tantamount to greed, unbridled greed that courts destruction, rampant greed that history tells us guarantees destruction. “All aboard!” seems to shout a frenzied clique of business and government people met at the head of the wild carnival ride, a snide grin curling up their sickly blue and frothy lips “Next stop: Major depression.”

It’s like the Supreme Court ruled the most crucial human right in the US Constitution the right of man to make money, then decreed it take full precedence over all other rights and human effort, forget that the very right emerged ambiguously under the heading of free trade and the even more ambiguous themes of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  Certainly such vague ambiguity renders the seemingly favorite human right, the right to make money or more aptly, big business’s right to make money, liable to clash in both interpretation and practice with the right of the less endowed to make money or otherwise gain themselves some feint semblance of life, liberty, yes or some ghostly form of that most profoundly ambiguous of ambiguities, the pursuit of happiness.

Meanwhile, given official license in recent years,  carte blanche to do whatever it pleases, big business continues to play fast and loose with the economic system and the devil take the hindmost, the hindmost being, as usual, a disinherited mass including several indiscreet rich and a huge preponderance of average as well as sub-average wage-earners doomed to plunge headlong into poverty and hopelessness. Meanwhile, given official license, carte blanche to do whatever it pleases, big business continues to play fast and loose with that which ought to be everyone’s economy but will only become everyone’s economy when final disaster strikes, when the rich take cover behind their wealth and the common man is forced to pick up the pieces.

–♦©M. D. Phillips–

Dubious Leadership

Who’s Really Minding the Store?
♣ More kinds of psychopath roam the earth than popular belief suspects and just a small percentage tend to be known serial killers. Jails across the world abound with psychopaths and many fill the streets, still I wonder if maybe the bulk don’t infest the posh, private, non-discriminatory upper climbs of big business and government.

–♦©M. D. Phillips–

“The Quality of Mercy is Not Strained”
♣ Why do some belittle others just to seem important when they can truly be important just by showing someone respect?

–♦©M. D. Phillips–

Shooting the moon and dragging our heels

Humanity and Its Science: Are They All They’re Cracked Up to Be?
♣ Computers, tablets, IPads, IPods smartphones and the internet, social networks, 3D printing, supercars and drones, virtual Reality organ transplants, superdrugs and clones, designer babies, XBox,  genetic engineering, driverless cars, recreational space travel, A.I., robotics, C.A.D., C.G.I. string physics, quantum mechanics, all this science abroad and man still poops in a puddle.

–♦©M. D. Phillips–

Faith as a Commitment to Our Sense of God


♣ The opening verse to a moving poem by Gerard Manley Hopkins reads: The world is charged with the grandeur of God. I agree. Maintaining a state of innocent wonder, we readily get a sense of God’s existence, of His universal presence in the world. We can see God everywhere in everything when we mark the plentiful evidence of intelligent design, when we mark the awesome power, scope, genius, logic and indisputable meshing of all we see in the universe, sun and rain, night and day, the seasons, all the countless permutations of life, growth and change, animal, vegetable and mineral, a constant, vast, congenial, balanced, commodious nature, a bountiful, all-nurturing earth, wind and fire, a ubiquitous mass, time, space, dimension, reality, truth, color, beauty, symmetry, the untold immensity and complexity, the exquisite intricacy of the clockwork synchronic which rules the celestial bodies, the insoluble enigma that is man, the mystical, unseen force behind the wondrous human vessel, that elaborate, tortuous, arcane system, that auspicious intermingling of blood, bone and tissue all predisposed to movement under mind, spirit, emotion, thought, reason, imagination and consciousness.

In a state of innocent wonder we sense that even chaos, even the rampant, seemingly contradictory and disarrayed entities wreaking havoc with nature, bucking traditional laws of physics, things believed untenable not long ago and even those of unknown composition not directly observable in nature to this day, such stunners as black holes, quarks and neutrinos, such marvels as dark matter, strange matter and anti-matter, all of whose constructs exist beyond the realm of classical physics and have pressed the need for whole new standards of measure like string physics and quantum mechanics, even these wild, exotic, irreconcilable items enjoy a special place in the vast scheme of things ostensibly pieced together by a great Creator God.


Maybe faith is a form of commitment to the sense of God we get by viewing the cosmos through a constant state of innocent wonder. Maybe more mundane states of being like smug sophistication are enemies of wonder and only serve to squelch our natural perspicacity, dull our fundimental insight into creation, dampen our subsequent sense of God, our commitment to that sense of God and hence our faith.


We don’t at first know God but sense God. The disparity between knowing God and sensing God is a gap we humans feel compelled to bridge because we know that what we sense time and again is something quite real regardless of how impalpable it seems, how indefinable it remains. When we experience it frequently, we lend a certain weight and thus credence to the mere sense of something. We seek to turn a mere sense of something into faith in that something. We commit to that mere sense of something in the form of faith. We have faith in the grave  importance and thus the existence of that nevertheless ephemeral something. We get the nettling urge to flesh it out. The world’s been changed countless times beyond recognition by those intrepid men pursuing the mere but constant sense of something impalpable, of something indefinable but evidently real.

We build the bridge between sensing God and knowing God through faith, that is, commitment to the sense of God we experience by assessing the world in a regular state of wonder, grace perhaps, a keen if purely humble state of awareness, openness, readiness, expectation. In time, faith, commitment to the sense of God, becomes not only the means but the very motivation for coming to know God. This commitment to the sense of God is the very nature of faith, what’s meant by the poignant simile “a leap of faith.” We commit to our sense of God in the form of faith the way we commit to our primal senses of hunger, love, fear and self-preservation. We commit on a simple hunch that these urge us on with good reason despite the fact that we don’t immediately see that reason, commit on a hunch that they auger something real, something vital, something attainable. The urge like all human urges suggests the true existence of an entity which can satisfy the urge.  We commit to our sense of God in the form of faith, take a leap of faith in God until we get to know Him better and with this knowledge comes a stronger sense of God, deeper faith, greater knowledge, an even stronger sense of God, yet deeper faith, still greater knowledge and anon.

public_domain_astronomy_14Black Hole

This is the same sense and inevitable commitment to that sense, the same faith that gripped Pasteur, Snow, Bassi and Semmelweis when they gleaned in a state of wonder the nature of microorganisms, specifically, disease-causing pathogens they could not immediately prove existed but felt a driving need to pursue, discover, know, understand and expose despite the highly conspicuous absence at the outset of any hard evidence. It’s the same sense and inevitable commitment to that sense, the same faith that gripped Jonas Salk when he gleaned in a state of wonder a viable polio vaccine he could not at first prove possible much less  produce, but felt driven to pursue. It’s the same sense and inevitable commitment to that sense, the same faith that gripped Madam Curie when she gleaned in a state of wonder the source of radioactivity through the paltry suggestion of isotopes, polonium and radium, things she couldn’t immediately prove existed much less isolate, identify and classify but felt the powerful urge to track down. It’s the same sense and inevitable commitment to that sense, the same faith that gripped Einstein when he gleaned in a state of wonder the fact of a single basic equation, a lone code bound to explain the entire universe, one he couldn’t immediately prove existed but felt a burning need to crack and which cracking produced stunning new insights into the natures of time, light, energy, mass and gravity, led to relativity, hinted at the arcane structure of atoms, initiated nuclear technology and quietly revolutionized science for the first time since Isaac Newton. Powerful stuff this sense of things impalpable and inevitable commitment to this sense which is faith.

It’s the same sense and inevitable commitment to this sense, the same faith that grips every man, faith in the things of everyday life, faith in the commonplace but less predictable, less reliable things, faith in cars, trains, buses, planes, drivers and pilots, in infrastructures, roads, bridges, traffic lights, elevators, in the upper floors of skyscrapers, man’s faith in all these things without a guarantee they’ll work for him if they work at all, without a guarantee unless it’s the fact they’re long-established and work for most people most of the time.

Traffic Light 5Cabs





BridgeAirliner 6

We don’t ask if the road might have developed a sink hole somewhere, if the plane, bridge or elevator received a timely inspection, if the cab driver is stoned, the pilot verges on madness, oncoming motorists might have drinking problems or poor judgment, if traffic lights are properly calibrated. We have faith in even these clearly flawed and transitory items. Why not faith in the consummate Architect of an awesome universe?

The universe has its hazards too and yes, in abundance. Still, there’s something behind it infinitely stronger than man, his feeble contraptions and his infrastructures. We already know we’re vulnerable, we live in a dangerous world and still we trust in things that have proven insecure, not the least of which has been dubious man himself with all his man-made systems and apparatus. So how is it worse committing to Him, putting our faith in the Grand Master, suspected Creator of all life, mass, time and space? If He’s the one who made us, at least He’s able to remake us–not so with feeble man or his frail inventions. Still and again, sustaining pride, we quickly, readily, unquestioningly put our lives at the mercy of unreliables every day with a firm commitment amounting to faith and little concern for our personal safety. How can it be that this constant, implicit faith in the weak and perishable bodes less foolhardy than faith in God?


Check it out. Many people are too proud to risk playing the fool by placing faith in a God, keeping pace with a God who in the end may prove not to exist. At the same time these same people, retaining  their sense of pride, invest their lives and livelihoods in a whole series of frail, risky, unpredictable, unreliable, oft-proven destructive factors regularly. One strange, underlying detail, however, flips this glaring contradiction, renders what’s irrational in it reasonable.  That detail is the  unacknowledged presence in these people of a sustainable, subconscious yet deep-seated faith in God. Steeped in pride, these people tend to stumble into denial. They deny the shame of believing in temporal things in the same breath as they deny the wisdom of believing in the eternal.

Those in a constant state of wonder mark such distinctions. The sophisticate never does. He’s grown numb, blind, complacent. He takes life and the whole universe for granted, fails for lack of wonder to see even his own sheer complacency. Faith is a leap from the sense of something revealed by wonder to a commitment to the sense of that something. If you’ve no state of wonder, then you’ve no sense of the world and what’s behind it, no commitment to that sense of the world and what’s behind it and so no faith in a Creator God and, it follows, no faith in your own perceptions, your own acuity, your own skill at  appraising the world and what’s behind it, only grateful oblivion, complacency, a constant underlying insecurity, nagging doubt combined with a false sense of self-importance and self-satisfaction for what else have you got when your sure there’s nothing bigger than you?


–♦©M. D. Phillips–


Eternal Question #2377
♣ Do monkfish lead monastic lives?

–♦©M. D. Phillips–

Since they flourish in the abstract, ironically, the best parts of man remain the hardest ones to fathom, the easiest to devalue and the likeliest to neglect. Frightful depths of thought or feeling alone may awaken them, assimilate them, avert the devastation which exploits their slumber .
♣ While they tend to grow elusive or ethereal, confused or confounded, as long as thought and feeling persist, these fundamental qualities, faith, hope, love, charity, grace, truth, beauty, valor and excellence, the elements of human spirituality, will always be valid, always relevant, always healthy, stirring, heartening, always right, just and good and there will always be the hope that man may extricate himself from the mercenary jaws of destruction yet one more time.

–♦©M. D. Phillips–

A Whimsical Glance at Good and Evil

The Frightening Ambiguity of Etiquette 
Why have burps been ruled offensive, sneezes full of charm?                                Are sneezes stuffed with jollity and burps imbued with harm?                              Burps are often quieted, sneezes loudly blessed?                                                          Are sneezes born of angels and burps of all the rest?                                         What is in a burp that’s any worse than in a sneeze?                                                    For what could auger any worse than snot upon the breeze?

–♦©M. D. Phillips–

COMING SOON TO A WINCING GLARE  BY POPULAR DEMAND–“What Price Justice Part 2: Corporate Lobbying of Congress”

That Asinine ‘Hates America’ Schtick That Just Won’t Die

R Giuliani 1

♣ I recently read an artacle on Rudy Giuliani in which the former New York City mayor, like artful pols before him, used the “hates America” scam against a rival. The man seemed sure that like the rest he could put the thing over and the ploy was aimed directly at the president. The ex-mayor claimed Barack Obama hates America. Forget whence the alleged emotion was said to derive or at that rate just exactly when, how or why.

I wouldn’t dream of printing all the trumped up details. I won’t be shill for cheap, dense, shallow and odorous falderal, for lame, primitive, overused falderal like the “hates America” scam on any account no matter the source or  the target. The American public has all too often borne the wiles of duplicitous pols presuming to glean falsity in the hearts of their opponents. The mere suggestion that Obama hates America and that some sagacious pols have the power to divine that hatryyttsrsea the man it is preposterous. It’s rhetoric so concerted and transparent it can only ring asinine from the tongues of those who belch it, must pain the ears of the discerning when they hear it.

More the fib has lain acrid in the mouths of those who know better ever since its ill-planned inception.  Here Giuliani repeats it for the umpteenth time however.  A vile scrap, harsh and inedible, a bite that swallowed square from the start, this certain food for thought far exceeds the limits of bad taste. It’s tough, slimy, full of rind, well past its shelf life. Partaking of the swill is kin to getting a dish of crow from one who can’t taste, one sharing a meal he should be eating alone, one fit to draw tang from nothing well enough to glean that on the menu tonight is roadkill, for dinner this evening is turned, moldering, indigestible crow, lousy, decimated, mashed by the tread a thousand tramping motorists.

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Barack Obama hates America? Rudy knows. Rudy sees. Rudy can tell. It’s all so clear to Rudy, ah Rudy, the great Rudy, man, myth, legend, The Majestic Giuliani, crystal gazer, seer, psychic, soothsayer, sage guide, guru of the American political heart. In this mean-spirited, boldly presumptuous claim the ex-mayor appears to be charging voters, like hordes before, with believing a pol would never spew such salient rot if it weren’t undeniably true and unless he himself were truly insightful, prescient, maybe psychic, certainly firm in his deep devotion to party, bold in engaging its foes. Wow! All this cheese in a single pronouncement. No wonder Republicans love it. So, it seems that among the benighted Rudy just can’t lose. Some stubborn part of his thick and gooey crud is bound to stick.

At the heart of this brutal, baseless, untenable albeit cunningly scandalous statement lies a metaphor for the dregs to which politicking has sunk of late. The ruse invokes precisely what’s wrong with American politics nowadays. This rash claim, though soft inside, remains misleading, quite deceitful, very powerfully effective in smearing even the most resilient of public figures in less discerning  quarters.

At the core it’s libel and slander. It’s textbook propaganda. It’s the rash and groundless charge of a desperate man designed to portray the accuser as keen, intrepid hero, the accused as loathsome, despicable cad. It’s a vicious lie, an egregious wrong inasmuch as it’s been fabricated to lionize a demon and demonize a lion, paint a betrayer of trust patriot, a statesman traitor.

It’s a bowl-faced lie at that, having been plotted quite knowingly, willfully, calculatingly. It’s a deliberate lie that’s been justified through smug rationalization without a tenuous fiber of obvious compunction, the plotter boldly embracing the deed for the loathsome sham it is. Politics, after all, mimic warfare by certain accounts and the proverb says that all in war is fair–even defrauding the American public I guess.

We could always believe, of course, that Giuliani and his ilk really do possess a rare perspicacity or genuine clairvoyance that make them alone privy to the otherwise cloistered hearts of rivals–and wouldn’t they bristle to know it. This is just what they want. It’s precisely what their shooting for. The schemers would all do well, however, to mark how little psychic skill it takes for the average American voter to spot lies and sophistry, the pretense of extraordinary insight or flagrant attempts to assassinate the character of a colleague.

Conjuring up a maelstrom of sound and fury, of course, as the magician with his stock smoke and mirrors, the charlatan easily hides the fact he’s not prescient, obscures the fact he’s irreversibly prone to spouting wild innuendo keenly calculated to slur his opponents, bold insinuations measured for effect instead of tame statements  based on some semblance of truth. So it follows then that endlessly, in lieu of fresh ideas, the will for change or sound solutions to tough problems, we the public, the American voters are subjected to a merciless pummeling by trumped-up charges, a brutal squashing by senseless, off-topic attacks and low  blows, a cruel dicing up by absolutely the cheapest of all cheap shots. It ought to go without saying and yet, sadly, it must be said: The American people deserve much better than this.

At whom is all this nonsense directed anyway? What impoverished manner of vapid demographic is inclined to trust this thinnest, nastiest, most disingenuous of all political language? Is anyone else nearly  as tired as I of hearing this altogether absurd, inane, worthless and dishonest rhetoric bantied about, used to death in place of any viable discussion, real discernment or direct speech in public officials’ assessments of each other, used to death in place of insights into the crux of pressing issues which absolutely beg for resolution, used to death by those too dense and ill-informed to know how outright silly, terribly wasteful and clearly devoid of all veracity such sedimentary muck as the “hates America” scam is to begin with?

R Giuliani 7

As if Barack Obama suffers the strain endemic  to the office of President out of some sort of spite. As if he could  hate the very nation he aspires to lead. As if any American enters public service because he hates his country. As if any politician has a gift with which to grasp his rivals’ hearts when in fact he’s lucky to grasp the very folly in a suggestion that he fosters such a gift in the first place, lucky if he can grasp, much less resolve, the grave problems which confront him every day as an official to begin with.

Rudy, gimme a break. Be a mensch not a witchdoctor. Get some new advisors. Do something, do anything only slough off the psychic demonizations, please. Spare me this emptiest of puerile, shopworn rhetoric. I’m a grownup after all.

–♦©M. D. Phillips–