A cute trick, even Spicer lapped it up, though many were not amused and found in bad taste the attempt to quickly normalize the disingenuous Trump stooge on the questionable if quite obliging platform of an acting awards program. The odd bit opened with a piquant send up of Sean Spicer’s first lie in office, just a lame dodge, a cheap trick, a flagrant attempt to foist on the viewing public that conspicuously smaller crowd at Trump’s inauguration as the biggest inauguration turnout ever. Clearly, Sean never caught wind of that quaint if pithily relevant little modern-day invention called the camera.
Many watching the Emmies have been scandalized to see a man lately chosen poster boy for national disgrace so casually celebrated, reduced to a mere political hack, his misdeeds diminished on national TV but I for one say, why not? Another shameless henchman shrunk to lies and deceit in the wake of blind ambition, just a cad who in a fit of ignorance once anointed Nazi concentration camps holocaust centers, Sean Spicer, much like George Goebbels, stayed true to the cause and in the mold of Adolf Eichmann he “vass only follovink orderss.”
–♦©M. D. Phillips–awincingglare.com