Greed comes to Gnaw upon the Roots of Democracy

An Ice-Cold, Snowballing Irony
♣ The United States Constitution guarantees equality but no law stymies its obverse. Though capitalism challenges the US Constitution in begetting a grotesque inequality, still, it succeeds in producing that same inequality, succeeding with conspicuous impunity. Our compromised  Democracy supports both the US Constitution and a system of capitalism. In keeping, it has long underwritten an explosive yet enduring dichotomy of beliefs, values, principles, allegiances and social strata risen to a boil. Nowadays it churns in a seething vat of conflagrating energies, merging in a blaze of inextinguishable flame, that fiery and never-ending clash between propitious equality and gross disproportion. The wealthy of America have far outrun the poor at last.
Serving Constitution and capitalism alike, our democracy only guarantees equality in the selfsame stroke it enables inequality. It pits both ends against the middle. Our Constitution compliments democracy even as capitalism serves to undermine it. Democracy and Constitution coexist well. Can antagonists democracy and capitalism coexist without destroying one, the other or both?

–♦©M. D. Phillips–awincingglare

Justice keeps the Peace

Justice is Humanity’s Eternal Struggle. Injustice is The Root of All Conflict.
♣ There have always been but two kinds of people in the world, the mature prone to work to establish social justice and the callow bound to lust for advantages that crush it.

–♦©M. D. Phillips–


The Meaning of Christmas
♣ As Christmas nears I must recall it: Love with my heart, not my wallet!

–♦©M.  D. Phillips–